Creative Classroom Decor Ideas for Back to school Decorations

Creative Classroom Décor Ideas
The teacher's job goes way beyond simple teaching. You also need to find various ways to make the learning environment pleasing and inviting for the students to love to stay there and make the most of their classes. Are you looking for new ways to make your classroom more inviting? Aside from making it look nice, you should also look for the decorations that will aid your students’ learning. How about you give them visual aids that will benefit their vocabulary building? Maybe you could have whimsical science posters on the wall to stimulate their learning and inspire them with new ideas. To learn more about the ways to decorate your classroom keep on reading.
Hang Up Posters
Personalize your classroom with a variety of posters that you can hang up the walls. How about you get a poster or two with inspirational and motivational quotes? What if you find some funny memes and print them out to bring in a little bit of laughter as well. Do you want to teach your students to stop using the word very with other mundane words in order to express themselves? Get a poster that will have synonyms for very pretty, very strong, very tired... and let your students build their vocabulary day in day out. Science posters will fit inside a classroom perfectly too. Middle and high school students spend most of their free time on social media, communicating with each other through Tweets, posts, Snaps, and pins. So why not look for a social media theme your classroom can have too and make posters with famous Tweets, posts and add a special new character to your classroom.
Stick It to the Ceiling
Wall art print would be a fabulous decoration for your classroom walls too. Pop a wall print of your choice into your own 8x10 frame and enjoy a new wall decor piece that everyone will find interesting, Have you thought about maybe decorating the ceiling too? If your classroom has a drop ceiling, you can add a pop of décor to the ceiling tiles. Alternatively, include the students in the project and allow them to deal with decorating. Add character to your classroom in a unique and special way, and add inspirational quotes, the periodic table, or book covers.
Add Interest with Decals
Be the Nice Kid, Be Kind as many other quotes or inspirational sayings would look great on your classroom walls. Do you have your own idea for a decal? You can also have it custom made if you have some inspirational ideas of your own. Maybe you want to display classroom rules around. A variety of formulas or quotes related to your subject area would also help out the students while making the interior look more creative and inviting. One of the best benefits of decals is that you'll be able to stick them anywhere, and they will hold up better than bulletin boards. Think about getting vinyl transfers to make semi-permanent decals for words you don't want to have to rewrite every day. Transfer them onto the smartboard and have the phrase today is sticking in the upper corner, and only write the date underneath it every day. Another great suggestion regarding decals include having a simple, inspirational message above the door that will remind the students of what’s important, or inspire them throughout the day.
Inspirational Framed Prints
Have you been thinking about displaying notes and reminders around the classroom? How about you use photo frames to make interestingly-looking and highly useful reminders. Framed prompts on your desk for extra help to your students. Are you running out of space on the walls? Framed prints can go on your desk or on some of the shelves that you have on the walls. Also, you can easily change the prints in the frames, which makes them even more convenient. You won't need to unglue anything from the walls and come up with new ways to replace the old décor. Simply swap one print for another, and that's it.
Final thoughts
From wall art and decals to posters and framed prints, you can easily turn a plain-looking classroom into a lovely little sanctuary your students will enjoy every day. As a teacher, you’ll need to motivate and inspire your students daily, while still making them interested in the subjects you’re teaching. Look for creative ideas every day and change the interior from time to time to make the time in the classroom as pleasing as possible.
- Rachelle Austin
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